Ginger Root


Figging – what is it? (And why is it called figging??)

From Wikipedia, “Figging is the practice of inserting a piece of ginger root into the anus, vagina, or male urethra.”

(Oddly enough, when it is done to horses (to make them perk up and prance) it is referred to as “gingering” which would be the correct term, wouldn’t you say?)

In any case, what do you think of the practice? Ever tried it, on yourself or another? Did you like it, love it, hate it? Or maybe you were kind of “meh” about it.

Do you have a hot figging story to share, or a deep curiosity about it? Let us know!

Let’s Get Our Kink On!



3.First time figging

4.From an Anonymous Reader


6.I Don’t Give A Fig

7.Kink of the week #10: Figging


9.No Figging Way

10.Ginger Clit Tease

11.Spanking Me Gingerly

12.My Wordy Figging Post

13.Kink of the Week – Figging

14.Kink of the Week #1 – Figging

15.Adventures with Ginger at the Cabin