So we were talking about gagging of a sort last week…
Or wait, maybe that was only the way I like giving head. 😉
Okay, let’s say we were talking about putting things in our mouths last week, so I thought this week it might be fun to take that concept one step further:
Let’s talk about gags.
What is there to say about gags? My partner Ad says, “Well, nothing. If you’re gagged you can’t say anything but “mmffmmfmm.” Ha. Funny man.
Good heavens, there are so many types of gags!
Ball gags, ring gags, bit gags, rope gags, muzzle gags, dental gags…the list goes on and on. There are gags that close or cover the mouth, and gags that hold them open. Gags meant to silence a person and gags meant to make the mouth accessible. Gags to make you drool and gags to make you gag. Hell, there is an entire fetish all of its own around the use of “cleave” gags!
Gags…hot or not?
Are they erotic? Humiliating? Scary? What is it about that that makes them so?
How do gags make you feel, as a top or a bottom? Is there an emotional component to it, or is it purely physical?
Are gags a hard or soft limit, or are certain types of gags?
Love ’em, hate ’em, “meh” about them?
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about them!
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3.Gag Me
5.Gag Order
10.Gag Me