Welcome back to the Kink of the Week! I know, it was a long month away, but never fear, you’ll have plenty of kink the rest of this year, both from me and from several guest bloggers I have lined up! 🙂 (If you’d like to write up the intro post for a specific kink, email me at [email protected].)

So let’s get the New Year rolling!

Photo courtesy of Molly's Daily Kiss.

Photo courtesy of Molly’s Daily Kiss.

“Baby, it’s cold outside.”  And when it gets cold my thoughts turn to – socks! Unfortunately, my Top isn’t as into long, colorful, sassy (warm!) socks as I am, so they seldom earn a place in our kink repertoire.

Are socks something that you like or wear as part of your kink?

Are there certain types of socks that really get your motor running, like bobby socks, knee socks, thigh-high socks? (We’re not talking stockings…that’s a whole different kink!)

Are there certain types of scenarios that you engage in in which socks are featured?

Do you have a particularly sexy/sassy/cute/naughty/what-have-you photograph you’d like to share of you (or someone connected to you) in socks?

Or maybe you don’t like socks, or have a particular aversion to a certain kind (black ankle socks on men in sandals, anyone?)

Or perhaps, for you, socks are a special aftercare treat, or only for snuggle days under warm blankets while it snows outside (yeah, it’s snowing here, so I am thinking about getting out my favorite pair of socks and snuggling under the electric blanket!)

It’s cold outside (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere!)…let’s get Our Kink On and talk about SOCKS!
New to #KOTW? Here’s how to participate:

  • Write your post
  • Add the KOTW Badge to it
  • Link to it below (direct links to the post itself, not just your blog) below
  • Tweet/Facebook it out (hashtags #KinkoftheWeek and/or #KOTW)
  • Check back frequently to read other blogger’s posts & spread the kinky love!

If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to piecesofjade at gmail dot com and I’ll post it for you!

*Please note: Kink of the Week is intended to highlight only ORIGINAL, CURRENT content.

1.Kink of the Week: Socks!

2.KOTW: Socks

3.Sock it to me!

4.My Socks

5.The Only Socks I Really Enjoy!

6.Humiliation of Pixie KOTW – Socks


8.Kink of the week #35

9.Kink Of The Week: Socks

10.Spit or Swallow

11.Socks Rock


13.Tormented Socks

14.Kink of the Week: Socks

15.Call Me Mr. Argle Brightstripes