(Ed. Note: I am approaching this topic from the female bottom perspective because that is (almost exclusively) the group that I have seen take part in it, but if you are a male or other-gendered person, Top or bottom, who engages in school uniform-type play, please feel free to substitute correct pronouns and discuss the topic from your point of view. I’d be delighted to read some different perspectives on it!)
Don’t forget: Kink of the Week is now a BIWEEKLY (every two weeks) meme.
Post from Sept. 15 – 28!
From one end of the spectrum to the other we go this month, from buttplugs in the beginning to school garb in the last half.
What makes schoolgirl garb such a popular and enduring trope in the fetish world? What is its appeal, and how did it become a “thing,” not only among spankers, but among so many in the kink community at large? You can’t go to a kink party without seeing at least one submissive/bottom dressed up in the ubiquitous plaid skirt and knee socks, saddle shoes or buckle shoes, sometimes with bows or ribbons in their ponytailed hair. Innocence perverted…
Do you or a play partner of yours dress in schoolgirl garb? Is it a personal fetish of yours, and if so, what makes it so? What appeals to you about it?
If you dress that way, do you get a sexual thrill out of it? Is it a part of ageplay, or do you just like it because it’s cute? Does it feel sexy or sexual to you – or perhaps just the opposite? Maybe it makes you feel child-like and innocent?
And what is your play partner’s role when you are dressed that way? Is he your protector or violator? Or perhaps a gentle but firm disciplinarian. Does it feed some mental or emotional need in you? Or in them?
Or perhaps none of these. Maybe he/she and you simply like the look.
If you are the Top, do you request that your play partner dress this way, or perhaps require it for a particular kind of scene? If so, what does seeing your partner dressed this way make you feel? Is playing with someone in schoolgirl dress a turn-on specifically because of their clothing? What is your role in such a scene, if the clothing does have a part in it?
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about school uniforms!!
New to #KOTW? Here’s how to participate:
- Write your post
- Add the KOTW Badge to it
- Link to it below (direct links to the post itself, not just your blog) below
- Tweet/Facebook/Tumblr/Google+ it (hashtags #KinkoftheWeek and/or #KOTW)
- Check back frequently to read other blogger’s posts & spread the kinky love!
If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to piecesofjade at gmail dot com and I’ll post it.
1.Rubber Band Brilliance
2.13 Years
3.KOTW: This Is a Little Uncomfortable
5.Kink of the week: School girl attire.
10.School Girls a Lasting Obsession
12.School daze
13.Schools Out
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