Dacryphilia (also known as dacrylagnia) is described in Wikipedia as being aroused by tears or sobbing. Oddly, I couldn’t find it in dictionary.com, nor Merriam-Webster Online, although it has pages of entries in the search I did on Google, including several websites devoted specifically to the fetish. Interestingly enough, one such site, The Crying Appreciation Forum, specifically states that they aren’t aimed at the BDSM community:

This website exists to provide the online Crying Fetish Community with a place to meet and enjoy their passion. The forum is for those of us out there who are attracted to the sights and sounds of crying and/or the shedding of tears.

Our forum is not aimed at the BDSM community and we do not allow posts of an overtly sexual (“adult”) nature. We do encourage members who are “turned on” by crying without sadistic overtones (i.e. would rather comfort a crying person than torture them).

I’m a little confused by that delineation – perhaps someone that understands it can clarify it in their #KOTW writing for me?

In any case, many, many people involved in BDSM – on both sides of the slash – enjoy tears and crying (or making someone cry.) Are you one such? Do you enjoy a scene that breaks you down into tears? As a Top, do you enjoy making your bottom cry?

What does crying and tears do for you? As a bottom, are tears an emotional release for you, or is it actually erotic? As a Top, does it arouse you sexually when your bottom cries? Or perhaps a crying partner arouses different emotions/reactions. Perhaps it isn’t sexual, but a desire to comfort that it arouses, or simply a sense of satisfaction at having “done a job well”?

How do you like to make someone cry, or be made to cry? Is emotional and physical sadism acceptable? Is one or the other unacceptable?

Are tears ever the focus of a scene? Do you ever ask your Top to drive you to tears, or perhaps as a Top you sometimes approach a scene with that result in mind? Or perhaps the opposite is true: part of the satisfaction of a scene is not allowing yourself to cry.

What is it about tears that arouses you? The sound, the sight, the emotional release?

Or if you are someone who is greatly disturbed or turned off by tears, I’d love to hear about that perspective as well.

Okay, kinky people…new year, new topic! Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about…Crying!

New to #KOTW? Here’s how to participate:

  • Write your post
  • Add the KOTW Badge to it
  • Link to it below (direct links to the post itself, not just your blog)
  • Tweet/Facebook/Tumblr/Google+ it (hashtags #KinkoftheWeek and/or #KOTW)
  • Check back frequently to read other blogger’s posts & spread the kinky love!

If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to piecesofjade at gmail dot com and I’ll post it.

Don’t forget – this topic lasts until January 15.


2.<Crying Like Anything But A Baby

3.<Smeared Mascara

4.<Shed a Tear for Me

5.<Big girls don’t cry


7.<Kink Of The Week: Dacryphilia

8.<Tears and Revenge


10.<KOTW – Crying

11.<Lord of Tears

12.<Cry Baby


14.<On Being Spanked to Tears, Again