Image: Hieronymous Bosch’s ~ Garden of Earthly Delights
A few months ago Malin James wrote a post called On Filth which got me thinking that maybe it would make an interesting topic for Kink of the Week. When I asked Malin if she would write the introduction for it she positively enthused on the subject and so here we are, Malin: On filth
Kink of the Week Feb 1-15: Filth
Ah, filth…. Even the word feels good. Filth. Filth. I love filth. I love saying it. I love thinking about it. Most of my fantasies are things that I’d qualify as filthy in the best possible way:
Public sex that leaves me sticky with him cum. Rough fucking in a bathroom or an alley, in a window or on a running trail – anywhere you could be seen. (Consensually) using him. (Consensually) using her. Pegging, begging, denying, teasing, tearing, exposure, sneaking, lots and lots (and lots) of cum. But that’s just me.
That’s the thing about filth – it’s inherently subjective. One person’s filth could be someone else’s wholesome night at home. After all, even the filthiest thing can be sweet. Cuckolding your honey with a stranger could be pretty filthy, which could also make it the perfect anniversary gift. Blowjob under a table at a posh restaurant? Risky? Sure. Filthy too. But it could also be a declaration of love. It all depends on a person’s definition of, and relationship to, filth.
Filth can be literal – golden showers, scuffed knees, carpet burns, marks and bites…. It can also be metaphoric – something that shames or humiliates you. Or something that makes you feel defiant, or just plain turns you on. Does being used feel horrible? Or does it feel horribly filthy and therefore hot?
For this Kink of the Week, I want to know how you define filth. And how to do you feel about it? Does it turn you on? Does it turn you off? It is something that might be widely thought of as filthy, or is it very specific to you? Do you love filth? Hate it? Want it? Avoid it? Why? Always why….
Tell me everything. I know what my kind of filth looks and feels like, and I love it. I want to know about yours.
*Don’t forget Kink of the Week is not just about personal experiences and tales, you can also share you fiction here too. So why not pen me a dirty ditty, a torrid tale, or a steamy story around the current topic.*
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about Filth
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4.Did You See Me?
9.Now wash the filthy sex juice off your hands
10.Talking Dirty
11.My Kind of Filthy
13.Meat market