Image courtesy of A to sub Bee

It is my great pleasure to welcome another guest (and one of my best friends) to Kink of the Week to introduce this topic. When I first saw her posts about needle play I asked her if she would be interested in writing a prompt for the subject, happily she said yes and so it is with great pleasure I hand this space over to sub-Bee

Kink of the Week March 1-15: Needle Play

Before I make a start on the topic, I wanted to say how excited I am Molly gave me the opportunity to write an introduction about my favourite kinky topic for such a wonderful meme. Not only does it give us a chance to explore our own kinks and think of them in a way we may not say we practise them, it also gives us a chance to explore kinks we haven’t considered previously even if it’s something we don’t like. Finally it’s also fantastic to hear so many different perspectives on each of the topics too.

I know this particular kink will be divisive, you’ll either love it or hate it, which to me makes it so much more interesting.

I’ve always had a fascination with needles and always found when I go for injections or blood tests that I feel a sense of calm wash over me as I feel the needle penetrate my skin. However, the step from that to needle play is a scary thing. As any kink play is with my partner it not only meant a step for me to try it, but also him. Was it something he wanted to do and how would he feel? Last summer we took that step and we haven’t looked back.

Have you tried playing with needles? If so, what was your experience? Is it the pain play that you love or is it the creativity involved that floats your boat? If you like to use needles on someone else, what does it do for you? If you haven’t tried it, is it something that intrigues you, something to try in the future? Or conversely, if it’s not for you what is it that puts you off?

*Don’t forget Kink of the Week is not just about personal experiences and tales, you can also share you fiction here too. So why not pen me a dirty ditty, a torrid tale, or a steamy story around the current topic.*

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about Needle Play

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  • Write your post
  • Add the KOTW Badge to it
  • Link to it below (direct links to the post itself, not just your blog)
  • Tweet/Facebook/Tumblr/Google+ it (hashtags #KinkoftheWeek and/or #KOTW)
  • Check back frequently to read other blogger’s posts & spread the kinky love!

If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to [email protected] and I’ll post it.

1.Reverse Genetics

2.Kink of the week…Needle Play?

3.Fascinated by Needle Play

4.Needle Play – KOTW

5.Kink of the Week, March 1-15: Needle Play

6.A girl after my own heart

7.Prick me the right way

8.Nary a Needle

9.needle play? no way