Image courtesy of Collared Mom
Kink of the Week February 1-15: Threesomes
“The only threesome I’ve ever experienced is with Pantene 2 in 1” ~ Josh Stern
Threeseomes come in all sorts of configurations. You can have a MFM and FMF, and the order of the letters can change things too. A MMF is widely accepted to mean that the two men in the situation are bi-sexual likewise for a FFM. You can also have same sex threesomes FFF and MMM. Clearly all these acronyms assume that the parties involved identify as a one of the genders but not everyone does and if that is the case then these terms might not fit.
Threesomes are general accepted as being a sexual encounter taking place between 3 people but that might not mean that everyone, or anyone in fact, has actually had penetrative sex. Maybe there was only touching, or oral. I still think this counts as a threesome.
So what about you?
Maybe like the quote above you have never had a 3some. Is that because it just never appealed to you or because you have yet to have the opportunity? Do you have a big 3some fantasy that always gets you hot and bothered? Would you like to make it a reality or are you happy keeping it as a fantasy thing?
If you have had a 3some then let’s hear all about it. Are they a regular thing for you or was it just a one off opportunity? Was it the sexiest fucking thing ever or a big disappointment? Would you love to do it again or has been consigned to the ‘no thank you’ department?
Whatever your threesome experience or lack of, this is your moment to write about it and don’t forget Kink of the Week is not just about personal experiences or thoughts, fiction is more than welcome too. So if you have a hot and steamy threesome story bubbling away in your brain then why not share it here.
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about Threesomes
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