Image courtesy of Rebel’s Notes
Kink of the Week July 1-16: Fingering
Fingering is the insertion of fingers into the, vagina, anus, or indeed any cavity, for sexual pleasure and stimulation. However it is most widely understood to mean the insertion of fingers into the vagina.
Let’s get those digits out and use them to write a few words on this subject.
Fingering is often referred to as a part of foreplay, a thing you do to lead up to the act of penis in vagina sex but I think that is selling it way short because it is also a fabulous sex act all in own right. Do you agree or do you purely see it as a stepping stone to other sexy things?
If you have female genitals then the chances are you have been fingered. Is it something you love or something you are not bothered about? Do you feel that it is something that has been performed as a route to sexual intercourse rather than a pleasurable activity all its own right. When you masturbate do you finger yourself? Is there something you find hot about being fingered? Depending on your relationships have you ever fingered another woman or a male partner?
If you do have a male genitals then you will most likely be the fingerer rather than the fingeree. Is pushing your fingers into your lovers cunt something you love doing? Do you enjoy spending the time making them orgasm like that so you can feel them coming on your fingers? Perhaps it plays into a power dynamic within your relationship? And what about being on the receiving end, do you enjoy your partner pushing a finger(s) into your ass?
These are just some opening thoughts to get your started, whatever your take on fingering then feel free to share it here.
And you know the next bit by now surely. You can always use the prompt to inspire a piece of fiction and link it in here.
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about Fingering
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