Kink of the Week February 15-28: Scratching
I often think scratch marks are a bit like love-bites in that they are something often experienced during those teen years. Coming home with a love bite on your neck or scratches on your back which you then hide from your Mum was surely a common teen experience.
Scratching can be something that happens in a fit of passion or it can be applied in a more methodical fashion either using nails or implements such as claws which you can get to slip on the end on your fingers or with a handle. You can of course adapt items to this use as well.
Do you like the sensation of being scratched? Do you like the marks it leaves? Have you ever been scratched accidentally during sex and found it a turn on? Did you go home and look and mirror and see the evidence of someone’s lust for you clawed on to your flesh? Have you ever drawn blood, or has anyone ever made you bleed? Do beautifully manicured red nails catch your eye and do you find yourself imagining what they would look like being dragged across your flesh? Is there a particular part of your body that you love having scratched?
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Scratching
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