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close up shot of a razor head for shaving

Kink of the Week June 16-30: Shaving

If you look up the word ‘Depiliation’ in the urban dictionary it says removing body hair during foreplay. For some reason I think they probably mean pubic hair although it does not say that so maybe I am maligning them. However I have used the word shaving rather than depiliation because I want to be clear that any and all types of shaving can be covered in this post from pubes to faces, armpits, legs and even heads.

Have you ever shaved someone? Was it an erotic/turn on for you or maybe it was just a nurturing thing you did for a partner? Has anyone ever shaved you? If not is it something that the idea of turns you on? Maybe you are not sure you could trust someone to shave you?

If you are a person who grows facial hair have you ever had a partner share your face for you? If not, is it something you think would be sexy or maybe you have a nice big beard and have no desire for anyone to come near you with a razor?

What about other areas of your body? Would you/Have you let a partner shave your pubes?

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Shaving

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The linky tool closes on the 1st July at 11am.


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