Kink of the Week October 16-31: Ghosts
It is that time of year where all things spooky come to mind and so I thought ghosts might be a topic that would be fun to explore.
It is definitely a popular subject in general. There are many movies, TV shows and books dedicated to the topic and ghost stories are something that have been part of human culture for centuries. We go ghost hunting, we dress up as ghosts, we tell stories about them and sometimes we even see/feel them. They are a subject that delight and excites us but how exciting is the real question.
Are ghost sexy? Is the thought of them a turn on or maybe it is the fear of them that actually you find arousing? Have you ever had a ghostly experience, was it sexy or scary or maybe just confusing? Do you ever think about being a ghost? Do you like the idea of haunting people?
And as someone who loves a good ghost story, especially deviant ghosts, fiction is most definitely welcome here at Kink of the Week
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Ghosts
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