Kink of the Week February 1-15: Mutual Masturbation
BIG WARNING: As Feb is a short month this topic will finish a day early on the 15th rather than the 16th
Right, with that out the way let’s talk about mutual masturbation. When I talked to Michael about this one we seemed to disagree slightly on the definition of what it was. So we did was any normal person would do and turned to the internet which only managed to muddy the waters even more
So is mutual masturbation two people touching themselves either at the same time or one watching and one touching themselves OR is it one person touching the other at the same time? In my mind it is more the former but it seems that for different people it means different things, and can be both, so really it is up to you to decide what this topic means to you and then tell us all about it.
Have you done it? Is it a regular part of your sex life or something you associate with teen fumblings? Do you like the idea of watching a partner touch themselves while you do the same or does it feel like something that would make you uncomfortable? Really there is so many possible aspects to this subject that you can explore it is totally up to you to write what this topic means to you and don’t forget fiction is always welcome here on Kink of the Week
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Mutual Masturbation
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