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ginger for figging

Kink of the Week March 1-16: Figging

Time for another topic revisit…..

From Wikipedia: “Figging is the practice of inserting a piece of ginger root into the anus, vagina, or male urethra in order to generate an acute burning sensation. Historically this was a method of punishment, but has since been adopted as a practice of BDSM. The term “figging” comes from the 19th-century word “feaguing.”

So have you ever done it? To yourself, to a partner? Was it hot in all the right ways or just hot in the unpleasant burning sense of that word? Maybe it is something you have fantasied about but never actually done or maybe you have a sexy figging story bubbling away in your head that you just want to share?

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Figging

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