What's Your Kink?


Kink of the Week Jan 1-16: Kissing

“You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.”~ Rhett Butler Have you googled for quotes about kissing? Go on, do it. I will wait…. There are quite simply tons of them and many of them are… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week Dec 16-31: Semen

I am stunned that so many people have offered to write these introductions for Kink of the week. It is wonderful to see what interests people and also means that the topics covered are wonderfully broad and diverse and isn’t… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week Dec 1-15: Brutalism/Concrete

Image courtesy of Sex Blog(of Sorts) It is lovely to have so many people interested in writing these introductions for me. I love that people are engaged with Kink of the Week and it is a great way of discovering… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week Nov 16 – 30: Strap-On’s

Image courtesy of That Position It has been wonderful having so many guests writing the introductions for the last few prompts and this one is no exception, however she didn’t volunteer, I asked her. Strap-on’s has been on my list… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week Nov 1 – 15: Nipple Play

When I put out the call for bloggers to tell me what prompts they were would like to see here on Kink of the Week Becks from Beck and her Kinks messaged me offering to write an introduction to nipple… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week Oct 16-31: Dirty Panties

This topic was suggested by F dot Leonora and so I asked her if she would kindly write an introduction. Luckily she agreed and so here she is with some suggestions and thoughts to inspire you to write something about… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week Oct 1-15 : Cunnilingus

*Photo courtesy of Beck and Her Kinks Looking through the list of topics I realised that we had covered Fellatio but not Cunnilngus which seemed a bit of an oversight. So it is time to put that right. Cunnilingus is… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week July 17-31 : Asses/Bottoms/Bums

This is not about anal sex, that will get its own moment in the Kink of the Week limelight in due course, but about that glorious body part the bottom. Or maybe you don’t call it that, is it an… Continue Reading →

Kink of the Week July 1-16: Leashes/Leads

Clearly collars are a thing in their own right and we have already covered them here on Kink of the Week but what of collars and leashes (leads for the Brits)? Is there something about being led around by your… Continue Reading →

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