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Kink of the Week Returns August 31 – Vote for the Topic!

The rumors are true – Kink of the Week returns August 31st!

It’s been a long hiatus, and I have missed the Kink of the Week as much as you all have – but more than that, I have missed ALL OF YOU.  You – yes, you, and you and YOU – have made the Kink of the Week so much sexy, kinky, informative fun to work on, host and read week after week. I apologize sincerely for my long absence…

But we’re back, folks, and we’re getting kinky!!!

So…put on your thinking caps (or ropes or chains or ball gags or chastity devices or latex or sexy lingerie or whatever gets your kinky juices flowing), let your minds drag in the gutter or float up in the rafters, and get ready to get kinky once again.

And guess what? As a special treat, YOU get to choose the first topic.  what do you want to write about for the first Kink of the Week this summer? I’ve chosen five potential topics – vote in the poll below and let me know.

(One vote per person, please. Voting closes August 24.)

Take Our Poll
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