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Molly with leg up on ledge in dancing pose

Kink of the Week February 16-28: Dancing

“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

I am pretty sure dancing in some form or other is as old as mankind itself. After all simple musical instruments have been found that date back to very early human civilizations and we all know you don’t need music to be able to dance so it seems safe to assume that dancing has always come naturally to humans regardless of the music accompaniment.

Clearly dancing as we know it now takes on many various forms. You can dance alone, you can dance with a partner, you can dance with a whole troop of people. There is ballet dancing, tap dancing, ballroom dancing, belly dancing, the list endless. You can dance in the car, on the bus, in the shower, in the kitchen, with a friend, lover, partner(s) or someone you just met in a bar. You don’t have to be a dancer to dance and you don’t have to dance to love dancing because maybe what you love about dancing is watching it.

This is actually quite a big and complex subject so it is absolutely up to you where you go with it but some possible thoughts to get you thinking

Are you the dancer or the one watching the dancer? Is there a particular type of dance that you love above all others? Have you ever been to a dance class? Maybe it is something you share with a partner or maybe you have a partner that is just a dance partner? Do you have two left feet? Do you wish you could be a Fred Astaire or a Ginger Rogers but just can’t find your rhythm? Is there something utterly intoxicating about watching someone dance? Do you dance for your lover/partner or are you the one who is danced for? Do you love the way your body feels when you dance? Does dancing in some form or other turn you on? I could go on and on with this questions but I am pretty sure you get the idea.

Don’t forget Kink of the Week is also a place for fiction and I am pretty sure this topic has plenty of potential for inspiring a sexy story.

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about Dancing

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