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Risky Sex

Woman tied up by wrists in tree looking through yellow rape seed field

Kink of the Week September 1-16: Risky Sex

So I got this idea from a blog post Girl on the Net a while ago and I asked her if she would be up for writing a little introduction to this topic for me. Happily she obliged and so here we go…..

Perhaps it’s because I used to get fingered in bushes when I was younger, or at bus stops, or parties, or in the back row of the cinema. Maybe I’m just naturally an adrenaline-seeker. Whatever it is, I have a kink for risky sex. The kind of sex that makes your heart beat faster, floods your body with trembling nerves, and lets you feel that thump-thump-thump of panic deep in your chest.

Maybe it’s risky because you might just get caught, or it’s risky because you just know you shouldn’t be doing it. Perhaps you get off on shagging somewhere precarious – over a balcony or at the top of the stairs or in the back of a speeding taxi. This week’s Kink of the Week prompt is ‘risky sex’: so pick your favourite risk to take, or your favourite taboo to fuck in the face of, and write something that makes your reader’s heart thump right along with yours…

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Risky Sex

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