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Love Bites

love bite on neck

Image courtesy of On Queer Street

Kink of the Week March 16-31: Love Bites

Love bites, also known as a Hickey is a bruise like mark caused by sucking/kissing the skin. It is traditionally located on the neck, especially of teenagers, but can actually be done on any fleshy part of the skin such as breasts, arms, thighs etc.

Do you see love bites as being a teenage rite of passage, something you do on your way to more sexual adventures, or has it continued to be a hot part of your sex life? Do you remember your first love bite (giving and/or receiving) was it an insanely hot experience or maybe one you would rather forget? Did you have to cover it up or did you walk about showing it off with pride? Has your thoughts on them changed over the years? Or maybe they are something you have rediscovered later in life?

Do you love seeing those marks on your partner(s) or maybe you get off on seeing them on youtrself? Is it about the act of getting it, the sensations involved or the mark that is left behind afterwards?

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