Kink of the Week May 16-31: Medical Staples
When I say staples I don’t mean the office kind, but the medical kind that are traditionally used to close certain types of wounds, but in this context are used as a form of sensation play often times combined with a visual aspect where people use them to tie ribbon or string in patterns across the string. For some people things piercing the skin are a big hard limit and for others it is a very sexy kink that gives them a huge adrenaline rush of endorphins.
So which are you?
Do you love the sharp sting of the staple grabbing hold of your skin? Does the anticipation before each one make you hot and bothered? Maybe it is more the visual element afterwards that you particular enjoy rather then the sensation? Is it a form of kink play you do often or something that only happens once in a while?
Are you the person who administers the staples if so about that works for you? Is the act itself or the fact that someone is allowing you to pierce their skin which turns you on? Where you nervous the first time? Have you ever turned the stapler on yourself to check what it is like before doing it to someone else?
Maybe this is not a kink you have tried yet but are curious about. What draws you to the idea of it and/or what puts you off? Would you love to give it a go but are not sure what or where to buy the staff?
Alternatively maybe this one if not fore you and the thought of it freaks you out, you can absolutely share those thoughts with us too.
There is no right or wrong way to do Kink of the Week.
You can write personal essays, thoughts and experiences, poetry, fiction, or even just post an image that is inspired by the prompt. You can even write about why a certain subject does not work for you or even squicks you out, the only thing I ask you not to do is to yuck other peoples yum. It is fine to say, I don’t like this kink because….. but it is not OK to say, and people who do like it are bad/disgusting/wrong etc. Always try to stick to the ‘You Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is OK’ when writing for Kink of the Week.
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Staples
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- Write your post (any kind of writing: autobiographical, educational, a fantasy, poetry fiction, thoughts, musings; or no writing at all: a picture or a picture essay is just fine too)
- Add the KOTW Badge to it
- Link to it below (direct links to the post itself, not just your blog)
- Tweet/Facebook/Tumblr/Google+ it (hashtags #KinkoftheWeek and/or #KOTW)
- Check back frequently to read other blogger’s posts & spread the kinky love!
If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to and I’ll post