Kink of the Week Febraury 15-29: Unfuckable Things/Objects
What is this kink I hear you asking? Well basically it is objects or places that turn you on mostly likely because of memories or associations. Maybe it is dimly lit doorways or alleyways or maybe it is your dining table or a certain chair in your house or what gym equipment? Making sense? If not let me turn to Ella Scandal who suggested this brilliant topic for her explanation….
The vast majority of us are likely aware of the household pervertable. Stuff like the wooden spoon spanker, the wasp killing skin zapper, and the odd clampable or insertable from the toolbox. But what about the bigger things, in and out of the house? Those things we can play in, on, or around but can’t pick up and use for impact or insertion?
I have a few ‘unfuckable things’ kinks and I’ve mostly come to have them by association. Pieces of furniture, fixtures and fittings which have been involved in such intense situations I now, in seeking to recreate or echo the intensity, try to incorporate them into play when I can. Even when I’m around them away from home, I sometimes get a pang of arousal and it takes a minute for my brain to process the reason for it.
A few examples would be Queen Anne chair legs, park benches, and radiators. One stems from nostalgia, one from risk, and one from fear and pain. Some of Molly’s examples are fully decorated, twinkling Christmas trees in the dark, desks, and dining tables.
Do you get a tingle whenever you glance at the coffee table? Does your belly flip when you sit in an office chair, or on the stairs, or in a patch of grass? Do you enjoy it or wish it didn’t happen to you? Or does someone in your life have an ‘unfuckable thing’ kink but you can’t figure out for the life of you why they’d feel that way over something inanimate and every day?
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Unfuckable Things
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