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Wod cloud of titles and names for BDSM kink

Kink of the Week Aug 1-16: Names/titles

Names and titles are often key parts of D/s relationships and nick names are popular in all sorts of relationships not just those that identify as D/s. So are they are a part of your relationship?

Titles: Are you a Sir, Master, Daddy, Mistress, Lady, Ma’am, Mummy or something else entirely? Did you pick your own title or was it something that just came about? How does it work for you? Do you expect your partner to always use it or only in certain situations? And does your partner(s) have a name, did you give it to them, or did they pick it?

Names: Baby girl, little one, slut, whore, or maybe something more usual, do you have a name as part of your relationship? Do you love the way your partner uses it? Does it make you feel sexy, special, connected, sexy, all of theses things and more? How did you get your name? Do you have a title for your D type in your relationship. Did you agree on it together or did they tell you what they wanted to be called?

And for those of you who are not in a D/s relationship but that doesn’t mean that a nickname is not part of your relationship(s). Is there a story behind your name? Or maybe you had a name but you hated it? Do you have a nickname for your partner? There must be a story to tell there?

Or maybe the whole idea of any of these things leaves you completely cold

Don’t forget that we love a bit of fiction on Kink of the Week and I think this topic lends itself perfectly to some sexy story selling.

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Names/titles

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Kink of the Week Aug 1-16: Names/titles Names and titles are often key parts of D/s relationships
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