Site icon Kink of the Week


collage of woman in different coloured panties

Image courtesy of Katteroo_

Kink of the Week January 16-31: Panties/Knickers

Yes I know we recently did men in panties (you can of course talk this subject again if you wish) but this is one for everyone and also a topic we are revisiting as it originally a subject done back in 2013.

Frilly, lacy, cotton, satin, silk, crotchless, thongs, boyshorts, bikini, high-leg, tanga, Brazilian, barely there, seamless, full briefs, just take a look at your local department store and you’ll see the options are endless. Woman’s underwear is a massive industry racking in tons of money every year. I am fairly sure I am not alone in having a fairly large collection of undies!

So do you have a thing for panties? Do you love the way they look and feel on you? Is there something about taking them off or having them removed that just does it for you? Or maybe you prefer no panties at all?

Could you be an admirer of feminine undies? Do you love buying them for a partner? Is there a specific style, material or colour that you love?

Maybe you have rules about your underwear as part of your relationship dynamic? Could be that you have to wear certain ones each day or your partner chooses which ones etc?

And of course there is also what you might do with them when you take them off…. use them as gag, sniff them, masturbate with them, make someone else wearing then….. what else?

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Panties/Knickers

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If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to and I’ll post

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