Image courtesy of Sex is my New Hobby

Kink of the Week September 16-30: Backs

A few months ago, having joined Instagram I discovered a profile dedicated to nude backs. Last time I looked it had over 25k followers. Every single image they posted was off a naked back, mainly female backs but a far proportion of beautiful male ones too. So I thought that maybe it was a topic we should tackle here. After all 25k people is not an insignificant number. Clearly backs are a thing.

I guess with regards to Instagram it works well because it is all about the implied nude whilst also totally obeying the draconian Instagram body rules that they have. Clearly naked backs are not a thing anyone gets off as far as Instagram is concerned. Oh how little do they know.

So what of backs. There is definitely something beautiful about them in my opinion. Something expressive and sensual that inspires one to want to trail your fingertips over their contours. Do you agree? Do you love letting your finger tips wander over a lovers back? Is there something about the shape, or muscles, or lines or structure of someones back that just does it for you. Right now are you picturing a male back or a female back?

What of your own back? Do you love having it touched. Gentle strokes and caresses that make you shiver or maybe you like your back scratched. Does it just feel good or is it a turn on? Maybe you like your back flogged or whipped? What is it about that sensation that you enjoy?

Don’t forget that Kink of the Week is not just about personal experiences. Fiction posts are more then welcome, so if you want to write us a story inspired by the prompt then go for it.

Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about Backs

New to #KOTW? Here’s how to participate:

  • Write your post
  • Add the KOTW Badge to it
  • Link to it below (direct links to the post itself, not just your blog)
  • Tweet/Facebook/Tumblr/Google+ it (hashtags #KinkoftheWeek and/or #KOTW)
  • Check back frequently to read other blogger’s posts & spread the kinky love!

If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to [email protected] and I’ll post it.
1.Kink of the Week September 16-30: Backs

2.Got Your Back – for Kink of the Week



5.Back to basics

6.Back Words

7.Back to Basics

8.back talk

9.Back to the drawing board