I’m late, I’m late, for a very important…update.
Yep, this is late, I apologize! One of these days my life will get back to its normal, somewhat calm routine, and I’ll be posting these on Sunday nights like I used to. Until then…bear with me, if you can.
In any case…this week’s topic is PINCHING, brought to you by my partner Ad:
What are your thoughts on pinching – good, bad, indifferent? Something you do a lot, a little, occasionally?
Are there places that you get pinched that send you to the moon, or through the roof? Certain body parts that are okay to pinch and others that are not?
What kinds of pinching do you like? Sharp, needle-like ones or big hand grabs, or something in between? Are there times that one kind of pinching is okay, or one place to be pinched, and others when it is not?
Or maybe it’s a big “NO” to you in general?
Does it make a difference if it’s a hand pinching, or pinchy toys, like clothespins or clamps?
If you have piercings, do you like having those played with so that they pinch, or do you have a partner with whom you like to play this way?
If you are the Top, do you employ pinching for pain or punishment, or because it elicits sexual pleasure?
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about pinching!
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If you’d like to submit to the Kink of the Week but don’t have a blog, or want to do so anonymously, send your submissions to piecesofjade at gmail dot com and I’ll post it.
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