Kink of the Week Dec 1-16: Period Sex
I don’t mean in the Downtown Abbey period costume drama way but in the menstrual cycle/blood way.
Bleeding on a monthly basis is for most people with a uterus the norm or will have been at some point in their life. Obviously contraception and age can change that but at some point it will have been their experience but what about having sex during that time?
Do you find yourself extra horny during period? Have you always enjoyed sex during your period or is something you discovered later in life? Maybe the opposite is true and the whole idea of sex while you are bleeding just turns you off? What about your cycle in general and how it effects your sex drive? Is there something about period sex that just turns you on more than normal? Maybe the slight taboo element to it? Have you ever had a partner react poorly to you having your period or maybe one who was hugely into and helped you to be comfortable with it?
What about masturbation during your period? Are you turned on by your period blood? Do you masturbate more during your period or maybe the exact opposite is true?
What about those of you who do not have a uterus but have sex with people who do, are you happy to indulge in some period sex or is a big no for you? Maybe you are fine with it but it’s not a particular turn on?
Also are their some things you wouldn’t do, such as oral sex but others that you would be quite happy to do such as fingering?
Maybe you don’t have periods any more. How has that effected your sex life? Do you miss them? Did you used to have sex while on your period?
Finally if you join in with this topic don’t forget to also link your post to Bee’s meme Menstruation Matters
Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Period Sex
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